
How To Clean Dirt Bike Helmet

Your off-road motorcycle helmet is the most expensive and important piece of clay bike gear in your Motocross Gear Handbag, which is why it'due south incredibly of import to undertake regular helmet care and maintenance to ensure it continues to protect you like it should, as well as extending its length of utilize.

How to clean your motocross helmet liner:

Sweat is the natural-built-in enemy of fabric, foam and leather. Over time unwashed fabric which has been subjected to human sweat will become potent, brittle and eventually deteriorates. If you've ever put your head inside an old motocross helmet and the cheek pads are rough and scratchy on your face, then this is a primal sign of a lack of regular cleaning!

To avoid this, y'all must wash your helmet liner later every ride, and information technology's a super simple process.

Step one - Remove helmet liner:
Nigh every helmet on the market today has a removable liner which is clipped in with press studs, magnets or other piece of cake to remove clips. It should simply have a matter of seconds to first remove the cheek pads, followed by the main liner. Ensure yous accept information technology easy when removing your helmet liner - nearly are a delicate piece of material which clips into your internal shell, and all too ofttimes people try to yank these out with excessive force which then damages the liner or breaks its fixtures. Take care of your liner - it'southward there to offer comfort and protection for your head.

Stride ii - Place in laundry garment pocketbook:
On our own helmet, we only remove the liner and put information technology inside a laundry garment bag. Nosotros practise this to forbid whatsoever impairment to the liner from tumbling over and over in the washing machine, and potentially getting defenseless on anything.

Step three - Wash on gentle:
The third step is placing the garment bag with a helmet liner in it inside of the washing machine, and setting information technology to gentle. Y'all can employ your normal washing powder or cleaner, withal steer clear of any harsh cleaners and solvents, such equally stain removers.

Step four - Hang out to dry:
The final step is to hang out the liner and cheek pads to adequately dry before reinstalling them in your moto helmet.

Step v - Reinstall liner and cheek pads:

Once the liner and cheek pads are dry, information technology'due south time to reinstall them. Get-go with the liner offset and line-up upwardly the button and click them in. Follow with the aforementioned process on the cheek pads.

How to clean your dirt bike helmet:

Footstep 1 - Remove excess clay:
Before this step, remove your helmet liner as per the to a higher place processes. If the outside of the helmet is heavily soiled, we recommend hosing it down kickoff to soak the bulk of the mud away. Removing the helmet visor will also make it easier to go the helmet clean, and this but involves unscrewing the two or three bolts that keep it secure.

Footstep 2 - Hand launder with soapy water:
Once the majority of the dirt is gone, wash the helmet with soapy warm water and a sponge. Be conscientious when washing dirt and grime off your helmet, every bit scrubbing this into the helmet tin can scratch the paint job, and ensure y'all don't employ any aggressive cleaning agents or cleaning devices, such equally a pressure cleaner.

Step three - Allow to dry out:
One time the helmet is completely clean, information technology'southward at present time to allow it dry earlier preparing information technology for your next ride. Information technology may need an extra wipe over with a helmet cleaner using a microfiber cloth to get that brand new look.

Step four - Audit for damage:
At present that your helmet is clean accept the time to audit information technology for chips, scratches, cracks and harm. Even a small crash tin damage your helmet enough to compromise its power to continue yous prophylactic and so keep your eyes peeled.

Step five - Pre-ride training:
After you've inspected your helmet, it's now time to prepare your helmet for the side by side ride. You'll want to install main inner liner first - this will usually snap in via buttons. Followed by this, install the cheek pads via the advisable push. Lastly, ensure y'all put your helmet in its bag to ensure information technology remains safe while in storage and transit.

Larn more than about dirt wheel helmets:

The MXstore Helmet Buying Guide

Ultimate Guide to Clay Bike Helmets

Clay Cycle Helmet Technology Guide

Dirt Bike Helmet Buyer's Guide

Entry-Level Dirt Bike Helmet Comparing

Mid-Level Clay Bike Helmet Comparison

Premium Dirt Bike Helmet Comparing

Popular helmet brands in our range at MXstore:

  • Dirt Wheel Helmets
  • 6D Clay Bike Helmets
  • Answer Dirt Bike Helmets
  • Arai Dirt Wheel Helmets
  • Bong Clay Cycle Helmets
  • Fly Racing Dirt Cycle Helmets
  • Fob Clay Cycle Helmets
  • M2R Clay Bicycle Helmets
  • Oneal Dirt Bicycle Helmets
  • Shift Clay Cycle Helmets
  • Shoei Dirt Wheel Helmets
  • Thor Dirt Bike Helmets
  • Troy Lee Designs Dirt Cycle Helmets

For more than information regarding motocross helmets don't hesitate to contact our friendly customer service team or visit The MXstore Motocross Helmet Buyers Guide


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