
How To Charge Bluetooth Speaker With Aux Cable

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Table of Contents

  • How to charge a bluetooth speaker without charger? [5 Reliable Ways]
  • Finding the Root of the Issue
    • You Have the USB Cable but Your Charger is Broken
    • You Don't Have a USB Cable and Your Charger isn't Working
  • In Decision

You've lost the charger of your Bluetooth speaker or you broke it, and now you're wondering whether y'all'll have to invest in a brand-new charger? Well, you might not have to! Depending on your exact issue, we may exist able to help you avoid spending additional cash. So, if you lot want to learn how to charge your Bluetooth speaker if you don't take the charger, you should definitely keep reading our article!

How to accuse a bluetooth speaker without charger? [5 Reliable Means]

Here's how yous tin can charge a bluetooth speaker without a charger:

  1. Charge your Bluetooth Speaker Using a USB Cable and Your Laptop or Desktop
  2. Use a Power Bank
  3. Try Your Smartphone Charger
  4. Use a Charger from Your Car
  5. Purchase a New Bombardment

Finding the Root of the Event

The first pace in finding the solution to your problem is to, of course, observe the exact event yous're dealing with. We will present you with a couple of problems and the all-time way to solve them.

  1. You Have the USB Cable only Your Charger is Broken

In instance y'all have a functional USB cable that y'all can insert into your speaker, simply your charger is the trouble, hither are a few solutions that might help you lot.

Charge your Bluetooth Speaker Using a USB Cable and Your Laptop or Desktop

Probably the best culling to the Bluetooth speaker charger is the combination of a cable with a micro USB port and your laptop or desktop. That'due south considering this device is much stronger than other devices on our listing. So, there's no risk of dissentious neither your speaker nor your desktop or laptop.

Using USB ports on your laptop/desktop is one of the easiest solutions

Using USB ports on your laptop/desktop is i of the easiest solutions

The whole process of charging your speaker will be very easy. Firstly, yous'll need to plow off your speaker. Then, y'all should insert one end of the USB cablevision into your speaker. The other end should go into the same-looking port usually institute on the side of the laptop or on the CPU of your desktop. If yous encounter a carmine LED low-cal coming out of your speaker, it ways that the speaker is charging!

Apply a Ability Depository financial institution

Another cracking fashion to accuse your Bluetooth speaker is via the ability depository financial institution. Ability banks are mobile batteries that store free energy and then let information technology out when you connect them to a device that y'all desire to charge. Present, yous tin can charge anything, from smartphones to headphones, MP3 players, and, you lot've guessed it – wireless speakers . Power banks are very handy piddling gadgets and you should accept them, even if you lot have speakers, smartphones, and headphones that are perfectly functional and you accept all the chargers. They are portable and they usually last pretty long.

Powerbank is the best solution for on-the-go use

Powerbank is the best solution for on-the-go use

Most ability banks come with a regular micro-USB-to-USB-A cable. So, in case your speaker also has a micro USB port for charging, you shouldn't have any problems. Nonetheless, the latest power banks come with a USB Type-C port. Thus, if you're ownership a new device for charging your Bluetooth speaker, yous should make sure the ports are compatible.

Endeavor Your Smartphone Charger

In case you don't ain whatever of the alternatives mentioned above, your smartphone charger will practise. However, go along in mind that your speaker's port won't be uniform with iPhone chargers and newer Android ones. That's considering they accept the USB Blazon-C port nosotros mentioned above. And so, yous can accuse your speaker with your smartphone charger if you own an older Android model. Or if you take 1 of the latest Bluetooth speakers with a USB-C charging port.

Your smartphone's charging adapter is also a viable solution

Your smartphone's charging adapter is also a viable solution

The reason why a smartphone charger, even with the compatible port, is not the offset on our list is that you can damage the charger then take trouble charging your phone later. As phones and speakers have different mechanics and use dissimilar technology, they are non powered the same. Therefore, you shouldn't risk ruining a perfectly skilful phone charger if information technology's not really necessary.

Use a Charger from Your Car

Yous probably forgot that you take a charger in your car that yous can utilise to charge your speaker. In case your car charger has a regular micro USB port, you will most probable be able to charge the speaker without problems. This option is also non a long-lasting one, since machine chargers are commonly weaker than regular ones and they'll probably take longer to accuse your speaker. But, in example you actually need your Bluetooth speaker to work immediately, they can be a great alternative to the speaker charger.

Car charger with USB ports

Car charger with USB ports – the best solution for car use

  1. You Don't Have a USB Cablevision and Your Charger isn't Working

If you don't take a USB cable and you don't want to buy it, there are nonetheless ways to charge your Bluetooth speaker.

Buy a New Bombardment

In case your speaker runs on batteries , the easiest way to have a working speaker is past replacing its batteries. There is also a possibility that batteries are the source of your charging issue. So, ownership new ones may solve all of your problems. Either style, as batteries aren't as expensive as ownership another device, information technology'due south worth trying.

However, the problem with this method is that well-nigh Bluetooth speakers don't have replaceable batteries. In fact, just a few models have clearly labeled bombardment compartments and user-replaceable batteries ( ION Audio Bluetooth speakers and SOUNDBOKS speakers come to mind). In most cases, if y'all demand battery replacement, y'all accept to send your speaker to the factory or to an authorized service and they will supercede the bombardment for you lot.

Battery replacement – ION Bluetooth speakers

In Conclusion

There you lot have information technology – v different ways to charge whatsoever Bluetooth speaker when you don't have a charger, depending on your verbal issue. We hope that you found your preferred method and that you tin can at present accuse your speaker and savor your favorite tunes!

Yet, you lot should proceed in heed that most of the solutions nosotros mentioned aren't the all-time for longer periods of time and can seriously impairment your speaker or the alternative charger you're using.

On the other hand, in case you lot decided to make your ain charger, make sure that y'all follow our steps correctly in guild to stay safe and avoid damaging your speaker. In instance you plant our article useful, you lot should definitely cheque out our other articles!


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